Our server was nice and knowledgeable. We ordered a Meat and Cheese sampler, which was really delicious. It was a good deal and had local pepperoni and meat and local cheeses. It could have used a few more crackers (though in their defense, so can most cheese and meat plates). 4.25...it was REALLY good!
Black IPA 3.5 plus
Wildflower Wheat 4ish (we tried for a Growler of this to go, but it was so foamy they couldn't do it)
Oatmeal Stout 4
Wolavers IPA 2.9
Pumpkin Ale--well, we had differing opinions on this one and we never did score it. P gave it a 3, but K liked it much better and might have given it higher...
20th Anniversary 4, it's very rich...like a sipping beer, so drink in small amounts. We even compared it to brandy.
We were very happy with the food and beer...hoping for improvements in service on our next visit!
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