WE started our meal with a bottle of Claude Branger Muscadet, a lovely white wine from France.
PAUL ordered the House Salad, which he said was proportionally awesome. He really liked it and we gave it a ****1/2
I had the sweet potato hummus. Who can resist an upscale twist on a bean dip? This was delicious. It had a jicama salad which was wonderful served atop the hummus. ****
FOR dinner, Paul had the Strip Steak Special with blue cheese and oysters. It was so tender and so perfect! This was the highlight of the meal. I even braved an oyster which was spiced to perfection. *****
I ordered the Pan Seared Salmon which was cooked to a melt in the mouth awesomeness! But it was served over a cold beet salad and we decided we don't like a cold/hot dinner combination...especially in the winter. ***1/2
OOPS...I took a bite before I remembered to take pictures.
FOR dessert we had the Chocolate Porter Cake which should have had homemade Bailey's Ice Cream, but the ice cream wasn't ready so we had it with vanilla ice cream. So sad; I was so looking forward to the Bailey's Ice Cream. But it was really good all the same and still managed ****
ALL in all, this was a great experience. It was a nice change to get out of town and have a nice meal. I was reminded how much I sometimes don't miss waiting tables...some people can be really obnoxiously self important. And actually, I realize, people are so concerned about looking meek that they overcompensate by being mean. Anyway, that was an aside.
OH, and the bathrooms were perfect.

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